Thursday, April 19, 2012

Social Network

Communication was made easy by social networking sites, don't you agree?  Previously, if you want to communicate with your relatives or friends who live abroad, you must be ready to pay a big amount of money for telephone bills.  If that is not an option, then snail mail will do but it will take days or weeks to reach the recipient.  Easy communication is not the only benefit of social networking sites.  It connects us, it keeps us updated, it informs us, it entertains us, it's an outlet, it's a freedom wall, it's a world of its own.

Even though the benefits are so many, these sites have the ability to ruin us too.  Ever felt envious sometimes while looking at your friend's picture of a new bike, new clothes, new gadgets?  Ever felt sad while reading your friend's post about a recent success, a success you've been wanting for yourself?  Ever felt jealous while looking at your crush's picture sweetly cuddling with someone else?  Of have you ever felt like a certain friend is living in a perfect world?  No problems, no worries, just perfect?  I did.  And it makes me sad.  It no longer entertains me.  It ruins my day.  It makes me want to be like them which is not right.  I feel that, and maybe you too, because reality is, some people use those networking sites to hide the reality.  Because reality is too bad to be known.  Some people use it to pretend.  To shine.  To be praised.  Sadly, it affects us too, readers.  Truth is, we can only control our own account but not the others.  So what then we  should do?  If those sites start to ruin your day instead of entertaining you and making you feel happy, stop and rest and shun away from those sites not permanently and go back to reality.  Reality is that we are all unique with different circumstances and different paths.  We need to focus on our own lives.  

1 comment:

  1. nice post thanks for sharing...looking for to visit more...blessings

